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Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent wildfires. If you need help, SCORE mentors are here for you. You can also apply for disaster assistance at
Woman sitting on step ladder with man behind her both smiling in small warehouse
SCORE for Existing Businesses

Dream Big with Small Business

SCORE Westchester understands that the journey does not end once you have launched your business. There is room to grow and flourish for even the most successful businesses.

Grow with Guidance
Getting Started Is as Easy as:
Step 1 - Share Your Vision

Prepare for mentorship by thinking through your ambitions and making a list of challenges and goals.

Step 2 - Meet Your Mentor

We carefully match you with a mentor whose experience fits your needs. Our advisors volunteer their time and expertise to help you succeed.

Step 3 - Make It Happen

Mentors will offer insights and resources so you gain clarity on your next best steps.

How It Works

SCORE pairs experienced business leaders with Westchester entrepreneurs looking to launch a small business. A SCORE mentor serves as an unbiased sounding board, advisor, teacher, and problem solver. Everything discussed is strictly confidential, and there is never a charge for the service.

Meet Our Mentors
What You Can Expect
  • Guidance on developing a complete and realistic business plan
  • Feedback on specific marketing, financial or legal concerns
  • Valuable advice from an individual who understands what it takes to be successful in your field
  • Opportunities you may otherwise have missed    
  • An outside, impartial view of your business objectives
  • A relationship with an experienced advisor who will aid you at every step of the way
Start Your Journey
White Plains Public Library, 100 Martine Avenue
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 267-6570

Copyright © 2025 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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