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The Power of Pricing: How to Improve Your Pricing and Profits
Recorded Webinar (online)
Woman presenting an analysis on a business to a room full of people
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About the event

This presentation will cover the following topics and include several exercises to help you in your quest to price your services or products "right".
• The basics of best practice pricing.
• How we humans make our buying decisions, and how the seller can influence the buyer's willingness to pay.
• Behavioral aspects of pricing; different tactical methods for increasing customers' willingness to pay.
• Common mistakes that companies make when pricing and how to avoid them.
• How to measure the customer perceived value of a product or service, and to translate it at the right price.
• The sometimes surprising relationship between price and sales.
• How the current pandemic may have altered the decision landscape and how that may influence how companies market, sell and price their product or service.
• The presentation is built on case studies and not theories.
• Attendees will learn tips and techniques that can be implemented already the same day, and that drive higher sales volume at higher prices.
Presented by: Per Sjofors, Founder of Atenga Insights.Pricing has always been an interest-area for Per. As a serial entrepreneur, running companies in Europe and the US, he did pricing experiments. Some of these worked spectacularly well, some did not work at all. As a result, Per founded Atenga out of his frustration that what business schools teach about pricing is too abstract, too academic for a business executive to act on. Likewise, with books about pricing. Consequently, he set out to make pricing practical and actionable. "Pricing for business people." Since then, he has been at the forefront as a thought leader in everything pricing and he is a sought-after speaker for a variety of conferences and business circuits.
Per appears regularly on business radio shows and gets quoted regularly in the financial press, including Forbes, Fortune Magazine, Inc. Magazine, The Street, Industry Week, Business Insider, and the Financial Times.

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Washington, DC 20002
(805) 204-6022

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