Dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground
Whether you need help evaluating a new business idea or plan, stimulating business growth, or developing long-term stability - SCORE Twin Cities can help at little to no cost. Our goals are your goals. Let's set & meet them together with training opportunities, free workshops, and online resources!
Our volunteers are successful real-world business professionals who volunteer thousands of hours to help existing and startup businesses succeed. Our volunteers are experts with experience in areas such as; accounting, finance, human resources, consulting, import/export, law, operations, production, retail, wholesale, manufacturing, sales, marketing, management, business plan preparation, strategic planning, and many other business disciplines.
We provide:
If you have a business question, please apply for a mentor at You can send an email to us via the contact form below, or you can leave a voicemail on our phone or send mail to the main office. The office is open by appointment only.

Main Office Location
220 South River Ridge Circle,
Burnsville, MN 55337
(Office hours by appointment only)