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Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent wildfires. If you need help, SCORE mentors are here for you. You can also apply for disaster assistance at
St. Louis downtown city skyline at twilight.
SCORE St. Louis
Serving The Business Communities of Eastern Missouri and Southwest Illinois

SCORE St. Louis mentors are highly successful and seasoned business professionals and entrepreneurs with the experience and knowledge to help you achieve your small business goals. Browse resources, take a workshop, or find your business mentor today!

Find a Mentor Become a Volunteer Take a Workshop
headshot of terrence wheeler
SCORE St. Louis Highlight
LumiereVodka Founder Started Out Selling ‘Litty Juice’ In College

"SCORE has been a tremendous asset to my brand building process. It is an organization that is loaded with dedicated experts that truly care about your entrepreneurial success. The insight & support I received from my mentors helped me avoid a lot of costly mistakes that could have tanked my business early on. SCORE is not only an advisory service but a support system!"

Terrence Wheeler, Founder & CEO, LUMIEREVODKA® Learn more in this Forbes piece about Terrence's journey.

Click Here to Read More!
Let's Recap our 2024 Event

Acce$$ To Money

SCORE St. Louis Bi-State Region held its first Acce$$ To Money conference on October 17th at the
Crowne Plaza St. Louis Airport.

The keynote presentation, resource panel, and educational breakout sessions all focused on public and private opportunities to fund small businesses and non-profit organizations. This event featured insights into funding options and expert advice on how to secure essential resources. Attendees had the opportunity to network with financial professionals, gain clarity on various funding avenues, and explore strategies tailored to help their businesses & non-profits thrive.

Stay tuned for our next big event in 2025!

Learn More
SCORE St. Louis Bi-State Region Access to Money Event Logo
SCORE St. Louis awarded as the 2023 Midwest Regional Chapter of the Year!

SCORE St. Louis awarded the 2023 Regional Chapter of the Year. Our chapter's success is a reflection of our volunteers and the clients we've served. Our volunteers have worked exceptionally hard throughout the year providing valuable mentoring and educational opportunities to our clients. We look forward to continuing our upward trend of serving small business owners and founders in our communities.

2023 Regional Chapter of the Year
Upcoming Local Workshops
Contracting with the Government: 2/12/2025

In this class, we cover how to navigate, research and connect to the government marketplace. Attendees will leave with useful tools and next steps to compete for government contracts on the federal, state or local. (Duration: 1hour)

The Ultimate Guide to Business Insurance: Part 1: 2/14/2025

In this session, you'll learn the basics of how insurance is rated, classified, and the essential coverages every new business should consider. We'll walk through what you need to know to get started with the right protection in place. (Duration 1 hour)

Digital Marketing Basics: 2/17/2025

If you are new to Digital Marketing this fast-paced introductory workshop will help you get started to promote your business on the Internet. (Duration 1 hour)

Female and male holding papers and looking at laptop screen

14 Tax Preparation Resources for Small Businesses

From researching American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) listings to taking a free course from the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are several small business resources to help you prepare and conquer tax season. 
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Independent Financial Audits

Why and When a Startup Should Consider a Financial Audit

In this discussion, we'll delve into the significance of independent financial audits for private companies, the ideal stage for their implementation, the revenue thresholds that might trigger the need for an audit and related considerations. 
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Small Business Taxes

12 Small Business Tax-Saving Strategies

To help small business owners and entrepreneurs save taxes through legitimate and easy ways, we asked experienced entrepreneurs and financial advisors this question for their best strategies. 
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SCORE: 60 Years of Small Business Success

Helping 17 Million Entrepreneurs achieve their dreams

SCORE proudly celebrates 60 years of helping America’s small businesses launch, grow and thrive. Since 1964, more than 17 million entrepreneurs have received support from SCORE, a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). 

Today, SCORE has a nationwide network of more than 10,000 volunteers serving all 50 U.S. states and territories, guiding entrepreneurs on their path to success.


Senior man sitting on stool in his motorcycle shop with motorcycle behind him
SCORE for All

We believe that anyone can start and manage a successful small business. We also know that the road is harder for some than for others. Diverse backgrounds, different voices and unique needs may call for specialized resources and mentoring approaches. SCORE is listening, recognizes these diverse needs, and provides personalized support in a wholly-inclusive platform called SCORE for All. 

Visit SCORE for All
Left to right: Kim Smith, Creative Director, TCG Design, Kevin Saint Cyr, SCORE Mentor
Impact Your Community

Since 1964, SCORE has educated and mentored more than 11 million small business owners and entrepreneurs. We're looking for people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to serve in a variety of roles — from knowledgeable business mentors to local community advocates.

Become a Volunteer

Chapter Members ONLY

Tools crossed

Mentors Toolbox

The SCORE St. Louis team gathered various business resources for you to sort through. Varying topics such as: New Member Resources, Client Resources, Starting a New Business, Business Plans, and Chapter Roster Experience.

Mentors Toolbox

712 H St NE PMB 98848
Washington, DC 20002
866 726-7340

Copyright © 2025 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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