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Volunteering: Helping Us All Move Forward
April 14, 2021
Volunteering moves us forward infographic
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Why Volunteer?

Volunteering has a positive impact on the U.S. economy as a whole and small business recovery. See the rewards that you can receive from volunteering according to statistics gathered by SCORE.

volunteering helps everyone infographic

Volunteers make a big impact.

  • 1/4 or 77.4 million Americans, volunteer
  • Volunteerism has an estimated economic value of $167 billion

In 2020 alone, SCORE volunteers

  • Donated nearly four million hours of service
  • Helped start 45,027 new businesses
  • Supported the creation of 119,562 jobs
  • Mentored 143,651 small business clients, resulting in many reporting higher revenues and increased business growth

Volunteerism benefits volunteers individually

  • Those who volunteer regularly have a 27% better chance of gaining employment
  • 60% of hiring managers see volunteering as a valuable asset 
  • 92% of human resource executives agree that contributing to a nonprofit can improve an employee’s leadership skills

Volunteers can be any age with many in the workforce

  • Americans volunteer across all age groups and stages of employment, with just over half (51%) employed full time
  • 38% of SCORE volunteers are from minority or underserved business communities, serving a diverse range of clients (60% women, 46% minorities. 9% veterans)


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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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