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Conflict Resolution - webinar recorded 12-2022
January 26, 2022
Female manager showing stop sign to arguing workers office, conflict resolution

View Recorded Webinar

Differences in opinions and styles are what can give your company its edge. The handful of wildly successful companies is so because their leadership has protected and encouraged each person’s unique contribution to their mission.

Annoyed teams get distracted and begin shutting down. Even minor conflicts can reduce attention to work. Reduced attention to work gets replaced by gossip, distrust, and DRAMA…

Managers (AKA - babysitters, and referees) manage on pins and needles while their good people cry at night because they feel harassed at work and don’t know how to stop it.

When conflict turns ugly at work, we get drama, which can bring production to a grinding halt. Or worse, the troubled employees stay and the good ones leave.

Maybe your conflict isn’t to this extreme, that’s good. Even minor conflict reduces attention to work reverting co-workers toward infighting and distrust. You’ve already noticed how this transfers to lowered morale and productivity.

This means you’re building the wrong culture!

Stop Employee Conflict Today will show you what the insidious drama cycle is, how to identify the role you play as a manager, and then how to eliminate it; first with management and then how to affect your people.

Once management can master their own attraction and addiction to the drama triangle, they are then ready to lead their people out of their own drama and back to work.

Download the Resources

Stop Employee Conflict



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Beaverton, OR 97005-1769

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