If you are applying for a loan or seeking outside investment, you will be required to complete a detailed Business Plan as part of your documentation package. A SCORE mentor can assist in preparing the necessary documents. Your knowledge and understanding of all aspects of your business will help those assisting you to understand and work to develop a professional Business Plan for submittal.

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management tool to quickly and easily define and communicate a business idea or concept. It is a one-page document that works through the fundamental elements of a business or product, structuring an idea in a coherent way.

Similar to a checking account statement, the cash flow statement shows the money going into and coming out of your business. The cash flow statement is all about projecting the future. You’ll list when you expect money to come in and when it will need to be paid out.

If you want to create a non-profit company in Massachusetts, this short guide shows the basic steps and the continuing requirements for complying with Massachusetts law. This is not a legal document nor a comprehensive list of requirements. You are encouraged to seek professional legal advice before providing services to the public.

Every business owner should conduct a regular SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to assess the company’s strong points, weak spots, market opportunities and competitive threats. The following worksheet provides an excellent starting point for your SWOT analysis.
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