Learn how to manage your social media marketing, text marketing, and email marketing all within one Constant Contact account. This webinar is ideal for people who want to start or improve their online marketing.
You will learn:
- How each channel - social, email, text - works to move people closer to your business
- What the strengths are of each channel
- How to create a great marketing experience that has an impact on your bottom line
Pamela Starr is a leading authority on building customer loyalty and a professional speaker. A sought-after keynote speaker, Pamela helps people achieve more measurable and profitable results from their digital and offline communication programs. For all her presentation attendees, she delivers real-world tools and strategies that drive stellar results.
Pamela is known to many in the business community for her prior role as corporate Director of Product Training for North America at Constant Contact. In that position, she directed the training activities that showed thousands of small