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Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent wildfires. If you need help, SCORE mentors are here for you. You can also apply for disaster assistance at
Two women having an open discussion on business plans in a modern office space
Find a Mentor!


Our volunteers are successful real-world business professionals. Whether you are a start-up or an existing business, they will provide valuable, timely, and practical advice confidentially. 

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Identify your small business needs and desired support.


Request a SCORE Mentor as your advisor to small business success.


Schedule a mentoring session with your assigned SCORE mentor

Set Goals

Set goals for your small business with guidance from your SCORE mentor.


Work with your SCORE mentor through the life of your business.

Entrepreneur's Journey with SCORE

Episode #7

This episode is titled "Minority Entrepreneurship" hosted by our SCORE Houston Chapter VP Outreach Kevin McAdam with Dr. Saleha B Khumawala (SURE -UH), Mr. Fan Chen (Chair of the Asian Chamber of Commerce), Mr. Nasrullah Khan (Wallis Bank), and one of our SCORE Clients Dr. Beata Lerman (owner of Sinless Treats).  It contains very useful information for minority entrepreneurs who are looking to start a business in the City of Houston and surrounding areas.

See episode 1, episode 2, episode 3. episode 4, episode 5, episode 6.

Entrepreneurs Succeed with SCORE Mentors

What is better than one very passionate, forward-thinking entrepreneur working to make a business highly successful? How about two very passionate, forward-thinking entrepreneurs working on your business ownership goals? That is what SCORE offers to all small business owners: mentors who work alongside entrepreneurs to realize their small business ownership dreams.

See how SCORE mentors have made a difference for other small business owners like you.

Our Mentors

I specialize in business planning, marketing planning, and financial planning for startups and...

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General business and operational management, strategic planning and business plan development, legal...

I have over 30 years of experience in retailing at all levels from clerk to director. I was a...

Headshot of Ray Nix

Need a business plan or marketing strategy to launch or expand your product and services...

I can help with business plans, financial reporting and budgeting, development of policy and...

My background includes starting, growing for 20 years and selling my company. We offered insurance...

I can help Score clients with e-commerce, building a website and marketing for website. Help clients...

I can advise clients on the business buying and selling process. I have Master of Business...

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After serving with the Army in Europe, worked for Gulf Oil in Venezuela to begin a career in IT...

I am an experienced Business & Marketing Strategy professional, who is passionate about working with...

I can advise clients on manufacturing, international trade, engineering, export / import, and...

I have long been fascinated by Entrepreneurship and innovation in the Clinical Laboratory space...

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I retired from EY a few years ago. At EY I spent the majority of my years working with growth...

I have a passion for helping small business owners. I help several on a weekly basis already and...

My areas of expertise are in banking and finance, financial accounting, auditing, system of internal...

I can help in new export market development, global sourcing and supply chain management, setting up...

Maximize your successful use of technology including internet and social media marketing. Improve...

I can advise and help you with Manufacturing, Business Management and Operations, Continuous...

Business structures, planning, finance, electric power, manufacturing. University of Houston...

I can advise on IT, internet, web design, digital marketing, developing strategies, budgets, and...

Headshot of Jim Mayo

I can assist businesses needing bank lending to finance inventory, expand facilities, and/or to...

Evaluating business ideas, identifying and assisting on the development of strategic and tactical...

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I am not a SCORE Mentor but function as a resource to SCORE Mentors and Clients. I am semi-retired...

Headshot of Richard Harris

I can advise on general operations management and business planning in the construction and mining...

I am a retired physician/podiatrist, a published author of medical thrillers, a college professor...

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I can assist with establishing accounting issues, budgeting, cash flow management, business plan...

I can advise on new technology commercialization; profitable business management over a broad B2B...

I can advise on HR with focus on Recruiting, Interviewing, Employee Relations, Discipline, Payroll...

I have been in senior management most of my career. I have worked in real estate development and...

Headshot of Scott Drysdale

In a nutshell, if you want to do the things that most successful businesses do to get where they are...

I can help you identify the issues that you will need to address to ensure compliance with legal...

After long career which consisted mostly of solving business problems, i would love the opportunity...

Attorney, lawyer with legal experience in choice of entity, business organizations, acquisitions and...

Headshot of Barbara W. Reiff

I can advise on business structure, Competitive Analysis, Marketing, Human Resources, Business...

I can advise clients with healthcare, medical supply, printing & graphics and retail clothing...

Headshot of Jerry Hoffman

I can advise on marketing and the clothing industry. Extensive background in both the mens and...

I have an extensive experience of entrepreneurship and mentoring entrepreneurs, specifically for...

I have a accounting and financial background, and am familiar with the challenges of operating small...

I specialize in finance, marketing, business development and general management. I have assisted...

I can help you develop a business plan and financial projections for your business. I have an...

I am a Navy veteran that has worked on multi-billion government projects. From planning to execution...

I can help with developing Business Plans includiing Marketing, Operations and Financial aspects. My...

I am looking forward to help you on Marketing/Social Media and Information Technology challenges...

I have technical, commercial, finance, strategic planning, and talent acquisition, development and...

I can help improve business performance in human resources, training/development, budgeting...

I advise on legal, accounting, financial, and financial projections based on my experience as an...

I can help in the areas of operations, quality, new product development, and management. As an...

I was a former Client with Active Corps of Executives (ACE) I understand the process of starting a...

Headshot of Ronald Lane Braunfeld

Sales and Marketing Professional with over 20 years of experience in diverse industries. Expertise...

Bill can advise on startup planning, personal and business financial planning, marketing, and IT...

I can help aspiring founders define a customer problem before spending time defining a solution -...

I can advise on business plan development, marketing strategy and marketing activities, leadership...

My 25+ years of experience working with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software have...

Ron has 25 years as a cost accountant and financial analyst; working in electronics and oil field...

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I help entrepreneurs develop and execute business plans to deliver their desired business results...

My career was as a Certified Financial Planner® and supervisor of financial planners (both employees...

Seasoned General Manager with business planning, marketing, sales, channel management and finance...

Headshot of David Askanase

I am a retired attorney and specialized in reorganizations, work-outs and bankruptcy with my own...

Headshot of John Harris

I have over 50 years of software system design, applications development, and consulting experience...

Construction contracting, real estate investing, cash flow and money management. Retired Electrical...

Headshot of Uma Sankaran

I can help with assessment of legal entity selection and an overall tax impact on the entity. As a...

I can advise and help on business plans, forecasting cash flows, financial analysis, and on ideas on...

Headshot of Janie Ellis

I can advise on interior design, retail, marketing, sales, and the some trades dealing with...

Jill Knebel works at the intersection of business strategy, operations, and execution. She is...

I am nearing retirement and am actively looking for ways to give back to our community. In addition...

I can help with and am experienced with Business Plans, Customer Acquisition, Marketing, Sales...

All about Business Plans for start-ups and ongoing projects. I am currently working as a Senior...

I can help people that have needs in the areas of technology licensing, patenting, IP, engineering...

I specialize in finance, accounting, analysis, tax, business strategy and development of business...

I can help you with all matters related to Marketing.
Soy Argentino-Americano. Puedo ayudarlos en...

Headshot of Anil K Dandona

Health Care-Setting and Runing Business in particular Medical practice.I did manage and staff my...

I can help with Real Estate, IT Business and business operations - Optimization, Profit and Expense...

I can help with business plans, operations and project management, strategic planning, pricing...

Headshot of Kamal Shah

I can provide my opinion on Food Services related small businesses, Consulting Engineering and...

I can help with running / buying small manufacturing businesses including sales and marketing...

I have expertise in retail, wholesale, product development and sourcing worldwide. Over 40 years of...

Como le puedo ayudar?
Soy Mentor de SCORE y me encanta ayudar a negocios que empezaron desde su...

Knowlegable in foodservice, retail distribution, procurement, product development, logistics and...

Extensive Project Management experience developing projects from conceptual to implementation in...

I can help clients with finance, accounting tax preparation, and education businesses. Lalitha has...

I can advise clients on developing business plans, in depth project analysis, developing business...

As a published author, I am knowledgeable about writing and marketing strategies as well as...

I advise on education, private schools day / child care services, manufacturing, quality control...

8701 S Gessner, Suite 1200
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 487-6565

Copyright © 2025 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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