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Recommended Resources: Management, Non-Profit and eCommerce
April 21, 2017
Young black business man reviewing project tasks on sticky notes on board

Small Business Management

Importing and Exporting Information - In today's global economy some of the best growth opportunities come from importing or exporting your products. This is a complete manual on the subject.

Ten Rules of Pricing - Strategic pricing can be one of the biggest challenges for small businesses. Here are some "thinking" guidelines for pricing.

The ten biggest business plan mistakes - In any given year Cliff Ennico looks at hundreds of business plans from entrepreneurs and business school students across the country. While the businesses are “all over the place,” ranging from basic retail and service businesses to advanced technology concepts bordering on science fiction, the authors of these plans keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Step 1 in Setting Up an LLC in CT - First, file the application form to reserve a name for your LLC. 

Step 2 in setting up a CT LLC -  is to file the Application for Articles of Organization

Competitive Strategy | How to beat them - Cliff Ennico on beating the competition. Everyone has competitors. Here are some great tips on how to "win" against them.

Restaurant Start Up Presentation - Starting up a new restaurant is usually a daunting venture. This PowerPoint presentation will give you the tools to systematically plan and avoid the more obvious pitfalls.

Marketing Research on a Shoestring - Marketing research can sound tough but it need not be. The author, SCORE counselor, Tom Greenbaum, is an expert on the topic and has come up with some simple tools that anyone can afford and do.

Marketing Inventions - To patent or not to patent?   What if you have a patented idea or a provisional patent on file?   How to commercialize?   Licensing the patent?   Getting someone to make the product?   It's a tough call and probably 95% of the patents awarded and sitting in US Patent Office are not earning their owners a nickel.   There are also lots of scams out there.   This compilation of SCORE advice and honest sources could be invaluable.

Buying a Business - This is a collection of three articles on buying a business.   It will be an invaluable guide to those pondering buying a business.

Non-Profit Info

Fund Raising Guide - A complete guide to fundraising for nonprofits developed by SCORE Counselor, Austin Pryor

New IRS tax form for small Non-Profits  - In 2010 the IRS came up with a new e-postcard tax filing.    While it is simple to do, small nonprofits do NOT want to forget to file this annually.    This article describes how to do this.

Guide for NonProfit Boards - Nonprofit boards can be confused as to their roles. This describes the issues and how to deal with them. Abstracted by SCORE Counselor, Austin Pryor,   from the book, The Carver Guide to Board Governance.

Resources about the Nonprofit Sector - Cross Sector Partners' comprehensive list of websites to help manage nonprofits.

Forming a NonProfit Part I and Part II  - New and simpler IRS guidelines and forms.  Much easier.

eCommerce Info

Introduction to eCommerce - An introduction to the increasingly large topic of eCommerce written by SCORE Counselor, Austin Pryor

Website Design Tips - Linda Kuppersmith offers some "Right on Target" key points for good website design.

Best Ways to Use  Linkedin - Linkedin is a huge,multicultural business community with over 70 million participants. SCORE Counselor Marc Halpert shows you how best to use it to grow your business and dramatically increase the size and relevance of your personal network

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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