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Scaling a Mission-Driven Brand
Recorded Webinar
Date: November 2, 2017 Duration: 1 Hour Language: English View webinar Viewing this webinar requires some basic information. This data is only used within SCORE and will not be distributed to any third parties.
About the event

“When we look at how change happens in the business world, it usually comes from two different kinds of business: Those, usually smaller, companies that take big risks and, when they succeed, inspire others to follow. Or the larger companies that gain inspiration from the smaller pioneering changemakers, and through their scale, make even more change happen.” Seth Goldman, Founder of Honest Tea.

In this webinar, Seth Goldman will share how to build a brand that is meaningful to consumers.

You will learn how to:

  • Develop a competitive brand that is different and unique from what’s already in the market
  • Scale for growth by expanding distribution and production
  • Develop strong support teams
  • Create cost-efficient strategies, especially in marketing, such as creating awareness without paid advertising (i.e. guerilla marketing)

Download the webinar transcript.

About the presenters
Seth Goldman
Seth Goldman co-founded Honest® Tea in 1998 with Professor Barry Nalebuff of the Yale School of Management. He graduated from Harvard College (1987) and the Yale School of Management (1995), and is a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute.
Read Seth's full bio
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