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An Easier Way to Prepare Your Business Plan -The Business Model Canvas
Recorded Webinar
Date: October 24, 2019 Duration: 45 Minutes Language: English View webinar Viewing this webinar requires some basic information. This data is only used within SCORE and will not be distributed to any third parties.
About the event

Preparing a business plan may seem like an overwhelming task, but the Business Model Canvas (BMC) can make the process less stressful.

The Business Model Canvas is a one-page business plan that allows you to test and validate the key parts of your business in a manageable format — and help get you on track to start your business.
In this webinar, SCORE mentors Mark Lowenstein and Marc Goldberg will explain the BMC and how to use it to develop a full business plan, if needed in the future.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Why to use the BMC versus a traditional business plan
  • The 9 main points of the BMC
  • Updated tips and strategies for creating a BMC
  • How to create value and build a new business

Download the webinar transcript.

This webinar is a part of the 2019 Startup Success Virtual Conference, hosted by SCORE.

About the presenters
Mark Lowenstein

Mark is a SCORE mentor from the Cape Cod and the Islands chapter. What makes him an ideal mentor is that he offers a number of years of entrepreneurial experience with knowledge of a number of different markets and a strong sense of customer's needs.

Most recently, Mark served as an Assistant Professor of Business at a small college most recently. He was also the COO of a fixed wireless broadband company focused on the Caribbean market and the Vice President of Business Development at a software industry nonprofit. He co-founded two software-based startups: one was a supplier of tactical

Read Mark's full bio
Marc L Goldberg
Marc Goldberg is a SCORE mentor in with experience in small business ownership, sales and marketing, general management and nonprofit management. He has helped countless business owners and marketers achieve their business goals.
Read Marc's full bio
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