More than half of entrepreneurs use credit cards in their small business. While credit cards can be a great tool for managing cash flow, helpful as a short-term loan option and even earn you some sweet rewards, there are also costly pitfalls you’ll want to be certain to avoid.
In recognition of Financial Wellness Month, SCORE and Nav are collaborating to bring you important insights and best practices for managing the use of credit cards in your business that work to your advantage.
Join credit expert and Nav's Education Director Gerri Detweiler who will discuss:
- The best ways to leverage credit cards for entrepreneurs
- How to qualify for the best business credit cards, whether you’re a startup or in business
- How different cards affect your credit scores
- The key differences between personal and business cards
- Essential strategies when giving cards to employees or business partners
- Choosing and maximizing rewards
- A common credit card mistake many small business owners make, and the plastic you should be cautious about using
Download the webinar transcript.