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Solar Bill Reviews

Solar Bill Review, Bill Gurgol

Title / Role: Owner/Founder
Location: Dublin, California
My successes.

After working for decades in the communications industry, I started bumping into people who had solar. It didn't take long to recognize that everyone who has Solar loves it. One out of five didn't say they absolutely loved it, complained that they had a true-up Bill and they were not sure if or how much money was being saved. This is where the name Solar Bill Review came in. Our company does Bill reviews. We do one right after the installation and then we do them yearly. This helps build our relationships and empowers a better customer experience.

solarbill review logo
What do you do?

We have people go solar. We only work with the most reliable durable equipment and warranties available. Our local team has become known as the best customer care before and after installation. Proven five stars over five years 100+ reviews.

What inspired you to start your business?

Customer experiences

What's special about your business?

Core values practicing earning trust. In-person face to face interactions tightest communications

What influenced you to seek help from SCORE?

When I first started my business as a DBA in 2017, my dad encouraged me to reach out to the SBA. He suggested they had come from counseling.

How SCORE helped.

When I first started in business, I remember meeting with Sten and he suggested that I start my own website. Along the way I've had some difficult decisions to make and I've shared my concerns. Sten has been an excellent sounding board.
I was working with Blair in preparation to get a loan; I was ready six months prior to the PPP and was ready when it came time to apply.

The first advice that I got from Sten was to start a website. Then, I would check in with him on a monthly basis and I feel like he very much kept me on track forward. I've made several important decisions by bouncing ideas off of Sten. Our company is now recognized as the number # 1: five stars solar installer in Dublin California

What's great about my mentor?

Sten Carlson has been my #1 guy. He was previously a client of mine before I started my own business. I have also attended multiple in-person and screen share sessions. Within the last few years, I also attended a financial investment session by Blair Abee. Both Sten and Blair have been very generous with their time. I don't question how much they care about the success of my business. It's very clear that both Sten and Blair are proud of the accomplishments that we’ve had so far.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting a small business?

The more advice you can get outside the organization and from people within the organization, the more likely you will be to succeed as long as you know what you want in your heart.

My mentors
Sten Eric Carlson

I have an extensive educational background combined with over 30 years in the automotive industry in...

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P.O. Box 429
Alameda, CA, 94501
(510) 273-6611

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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