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Pink Electrical Services
Pink Electrical Services awarded a EDGE grant from the Delaware Division of Small Business
SCORE Delaware provides key assistance

Pink Electrical Services (PES) is a small, family-run business located in central Delaware.  PES offers expert electrical services to Delaware small businesses and homeowners with an emphasis on strong customer service. 

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Congratulations to Pink Electric Services !

"We want to earn your referral'

Pink Electrical Services (PES) is a small, family-run business located in central Delaware.  PES offers expert electrical services to Delaware small businesses and homeowners with an emphasis on strong customer service.  Their mission is to “provide safe, exceptional electrical services within a culture built on strong customer service ensuring integrity, quality and reliability.”  They focus on offering excellent customer service because, as they tell their customers, ‘We want to earn your referral’.

While they each bring a core set of skills and abilities to their roles within PES, they did not have a background in business and they knew they had a lot to learn.  In seeking access to resources available to help small businesses better understand how they may succeed and grow, they found the Delaware Division of Small Business (DSB) and learned about the Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion (EDGE) grant opportunity.  PES worked closely with their DSB Regional Business Manager, Anastasia Jackson, who helped them understand the grant application requirements and connected them to SCORE Delaware

Shortly after submitting a simple request for technical assistance, PES was contacted by Evie Zerefos who offered to mentor them.  After learning about the company’s goals, Ms. Zerefos offered her suggestions for various resources and assistance.  And she connected PES with Leonard Kidwell, another SCORE mentor with an expansive background in banking.  All of this helped position PES to write a competitive EDGE grant application, which was awarded $50,000!

PES owners stated, “the technical assistance provided by SCORE Delaware was crucial in helping us win the EDGE grant!  Not only has this had an immediate impact on our business, but it has set us on a path to grow our business and help the economy.  The EDGE grant provided funding to purchase a second vehicle so we may hire another crew and serve even more Delawareans for years to come.  We have so much gratitude for Ms. Zerefos and Mr. Kidwell for sharing their expertise, they will forever remain a part of our story.”


Pink Electrical Services Logo
1105 Market St, Lobby Level Suite 02
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 661-2366

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Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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