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Mutt’s Sauce

Mutt’s Sauce LLC, Charlynda Scales

Location: Centerville, Ohio
My successes.

In 2017, Scales won Bob Evans Farms’ grant competition for veterans, Heroes to CEOs. Scales was awarded $25,000 and a mentoring session with Shark Tank’s Daymond John. She strategically used that money to scale up her business, going from producing 700 bottles of sauce per day to 8,000, and getting her product into more than 60 Kroger grocery stores.

“Every bottle of Mutt’s Sauce is made with love and determination and we want to see Mutt’s Sauce across America,” Scales says.

How SCORE helped.

Quickly after embarking on her small business journey, Scales found SCORE and started meeting weekly with SCORE mentor John Soutar. Soutar gave her checklists for each phase of the process and became Scales’ “personal cheerleader.”

Scales says, “Even though I don’t come from a family of entrepreneurs … John made me see it was still possible, and I launched four months after we started working together.”

“Everything that SCORE offered was exactly what I needed to get the business started,” Scales recalls.  How Did Your Business Get Started? In the 1950s, Charlie “Mutt” Ferrell, Jr., a country boy from Carthage, Tenn., created an all-purpose specialty sauce. Infusing sweet, tangy and a little bit of heat in each spoonful, Mutt’s sauce was a tomato-based condiment that could be used for any meal as a dressing, marinade, dipping sauce, and more. When Mutt and his wife hosted parties, Mutt’s sauce was always the highlight and became a symbol of unity and camaraderie wherever the Ferrells went. When Mutt passed away in 2005, he left the recipe for the sauce to his granddaughter, Air Force veteran Charlynda Scales. Without any experience in food manufacturing or as an entrepreneur, Scales decided to have the sauce bottled and sold to continue her grandfather’s legacy. 
5818 Wilmington Pike #247
Dayton, OH 45459
(937) 867-2000

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