Lymphedema Therapy Source, Rebecca Summers
Lymphedema Therapy Source, PLLC. (LTS Therapy) is a therapy company specializing in lymphedema treatment, compression & education. Lymphedema is an incurable but treatable medical condition, which causes swelling, skin changes, infection & limb disfigurement, influencing a person’s mobility and quality of life. More than 120 million people are affected worldwide and up to one-third of all breast cancer patients. Due to a lack of diagnostic criteria among other reasons, the incidence of lymphedema is under-reported.
Working as an occupational therapist in home health, I encountered patients that I was able to help. This opportunity spurred me to get more training. I worked in outpatient and acute care to improve my skills. The more exposure I had, the more I knew there was a need for this specialty.
Prior to opening the business in 2011, I came to SCORE and met with Chuck Rudnick. He challenged me to verify my perception with facts and to come up with a plan for operations and income generation. I returned a few years later wanting to transition from a contract company providing both occupational therapy and lymphedema treatment to solely treating lymphedema. At the point of transition, my income had decreased from 2013 to 2015. I knew I needed help and returned to SCORE.
Last year my income more than doubled. The business has grown to provide treatment for homebound patients, but I also accept insurance for outpatient services and sell compression garments and I am beginning to accept speaking engagements. Never taking out a loan, I am proud there is no business debt. SCORE has been an excellent resource for business development. I continue to meet with Chuck to discuss the business status and barriers to success.
Chuck Rudnick made me aware of the need for a website for lead generation and provided excellent insight into goal setting, sales, and marketing. Stan Booth provided much-needed education in education in website optimization, which improved traffic to my site
Their diverse knowledge and experience were of great value.
Marketing goods and services particularly using Internet eCommerce and digital marketing to sell...