Marc Goldberg is a SCORE mentor in the Cape Cod and the Islands chapter. He has experience in small business ownership, sales and marketing, general management and nonprofit management. He has helped countless business owners and marketers achieve their business goals. Marc has also successfully founded and managed a small business focusing on strategic market planning, exhibitor and event staff training and performance measurement for 28 years. He is a published author and blogger on a number of business topics.
Though Marc can help business owners in a number of areas, he specializes in entrepreneurship, strategic marketing, and relational sales.
His previous experience includes: Account Management at National Student Marketing Corporation; 1st Lt US Army Infantry; Manager, Division Administration (Purchasing, Inventory Control, HR) and Marketing Manager - Westinghouse Gas Turbines; President & CEO Morgan Pump Co; President & CEO Flow Bend, Inc; Founder and Partner, Marketech, Inc. (1985 to 2013 - Marketech specialized in Planning, Training, and Measurement in the Trade Show and Event industry).
Learn more about Marc and request him as your mentor.