About our “Strategies for Nonprofit Success” Series
SCORE Columbus has developed a robust educational program for Nonprofit organizations consisting of 4 online workshops for 2024, along with additional content released several times a year. Launched in 2023, it was created to provide operational support to nonprofit founders and leaders and give them tools to increase the impact and professionalism of their organizations.
Each part of our Strategies for Nonprofit Success Series is carefully curated and planned by professionals in the nonprofit sector. Only those with experience can fully understand the nuance of running organizations that have a singular goal to “make an impact.” To that end, each workshop …
- has engaging content, with a Q&A session at the end
- is led by carefully selected subject matter experts
- is conducted live on Zoom for maximum reach, and recorded for future use
2024 Workshops
For 2024, we are planning workshops on the following topics:
March 29, 2024: Developing a Fundraising Strategy and Plan - Your Roadmap to Raising the Money You Need
June 28th, 2024: Your Board: Bylaws, Roles & Responsibilities & Culture
September 2024: Year-End Fundraising Campaigns
- September webinar cancelled: Please review the previously recorded webinars Developing a Non-Profit Fundraising Strategy and Plan and Nonprofit Series: Sustaining (Funding) Your Non Profit Organization for content in this area.
December 2024: Storytelling
Join our email list to receive announcements when 2024 dates have been set.
SCORE Columbus’s Nonprofit Success Series was created for organizations at all stages of growth — from “Plan + Start” to “Manage + Grow.”
Our Workshops are listed in a recommended order, but can also be viewed individually based on the specific needs of the Nonprofit leader. Please contact the program coordinator Libby Villavicencio with questions about the content, or reach out SCORE Columbus Webmaster Eric Caspary with any technical issues.
Plan + Start
Investing in board development is not merely a luxury but a strategic imperative. Join Libby to learn how to set up your board for success.
Are you struggling with knowing how to spend your efforts to maximize your fundraising? Join Libby for a workshop session to walk you through developing a comprehensive fundraising strategy and plan. Your Roadmap to Raising the Money You Need!
Tips and tools to help ensure their organizations are ready to begin the grant seeking journey
Hear from a panel of nonprofit founders on the things you should be thinking about and doing
Manage + Grow
What does a nonprofit leader really need to know about the financial standing of an organization in order to be well-informed stewards?
Develop a fundraising strategy and learn how to create a solid Development Plan and Case for Support that will help you raise the money you need
Nonprofit Marketing & Communications
Whether your organization is a for-profit, Certified B Corps, social enterprise, or nonprofit, you can integrate data more in your day-to-day work and better understand the impact your organization is making