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Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent wildfires. If you need help, SCORE mentors are here for you. You can also apply for disaster assistance at
Charleston SC Mentors at 2 Blokes Brewing
SCORE Charleston SC
District in South Carolina: Serving Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, Counties + nearby towns

SCORE Mentors are experienced entrepreneurs & professionals who volunteer their experience & knowledge to help small business professionals start & grow businesses. We offer free, confidential business advice, low-cost or no-cost business training, and numerous business templates & tools.

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SCORE Charleston Helps Amor Healing Kitchen Serve Their Community

The nonprofit was founded by Maria Kelly, who saw a television news segment about the Ceres Community Project in California and felt galvanized to start a similar program in Charleston.

Encouraged by her high school students who said they’d love to participate, she left her job as a teacher with Charleston County School District to start Amor Healing Kitchen in 2018.

In the six years since, Kelly has grown the nonprofit to the point where it delivers 500 to 600 meals to the homes of Charleston locals facing chronic illnesses every Friday.

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Assistant chef Josh Gillette (left) brings a question about basil to culinary director Kenny Veasel at Amor Healing Kitchen. James Island High School sophomores Gigi Miller (left) and Caitlyn Denaux (right) volunteer at Amor Healing Kitchen

Client Spotlight: Amanda Sheridan, Founder of BagValet

Initially uncertain about bringing her unique service idea to Charleston, the support and guidance from SCORE provided her with the confidence and strategic insights necessary for her business to flourish.

“My SCORE mentors were instrumental in taking BagValet from concept to reality,” Amanda reflects. Their advice was crucial in navigating the challenges of scaling a start-up, offering both encouragement and critical feedback that spurred continuous innovation and growth.

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Headshot of Amanda Sheridan
Upcoming Local Events

Unlock the secrets to small business success and learn from the experts with our collection of recorded webinars- watch now.

Female and male holding papers and looking at laptop screen

14 Tax Preparation Resources for Small Businesses

From researching American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) listings to taking a free course from the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are several small business resources to help you prepare and conquer tax season. 
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Independent Financial Audits

Why and When a Startup Should Consider a Financial Audit

In this discussion, we'll delve into the significance of independent financial audits for private companies, the ideal stage for their implementation, the revenue thresholds that might trigger the need for an audit and related considerations. 
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Small Business Taxes

12 Small Business Tax-Saving Strategies

To help small business owners and entrepreneurs save taxes through legitimate and easy ways, we asked experienced entrepreneurs and financial advisors this question for their best strategies. 
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SCORE: 60 Years of Small Business Success

Helping 17 Million Entrepreneurs achieve their dreams

SCORE proudly celebrates 60 years of helping America’s small businesses launch, grow and thrive. Since 1964, more than 17 million entrepreneurs have received support from SCORE, a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). 

Today, SCORE has a nationwide network of more than 10,000 volunteers serving all 50 U.S. states and territories, guiding entrepreneurs on their path to success.


Business Owner and SCORE Mentor working together at desk
Small Business Resource Hubs

SCORE empowers all entrepreneurs to succeed.

We believe that anyone can start a small business with the right support. We also know that the path to success may vary based on where you are in your business journey.

SCORE is here to help with curated resources for all entrepreneurs. 

Visit Small Business Resource Hubs
Mentors at the City of Charleston Business Expo
Impact Your Community

Since 1964, SCORE has educated and mentored more than 11 million small business owners and entrepreneurs. We're looking for people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to serve in a variety of roles — from knowledgeable business mentors to local community advocates. 

Become a Volunteer
4045 Bridge View Drive B151
North Charleston, SC 29405
(800) 634-0245

Copyright © 2025 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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