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Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent wildfires. If you need help, SCORE mentors are here for you. You can also apply for disaster assistance at
Durham, North Carolina Skyline
SCORE Chapel Hill Durham
Serving Orange, Durham, Chatham counties and surrounding area

No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, our SCORE mentors are ready to assist. Our mentors are highly successful and seasoned business professionals and entrepreneurs with the experience and knowledge to help you achieve your business goals.

Find a Mentor Take a Workshop
In-Person | March 5, 2025, 10:30am EDT
Welcome to Entrepreneurship

This class is a must for anyone that is thinking about starting a business or has recently launched a business and has questions that need to be answered. We encourage you to bring with you any questions you might have.

Learn More and Register
In-Person | March 15, 2025, 10:30am EDT
Introduction to Recordkeeping Workshop

SCORE Chapel Hill Durham is excited to introduce a workshop for new entrepreneurs or anyone else in need of learning simple record keeping. This course is a hands-on lecture/lab that teaches business owners how to track their cash disbursements and receipts in a simple manner to keep track of profitability on a consistent basis.

Learn More and Register
Upcoming Events
Simple Steps
Simple Steps for Starting Your Business #1 - February 18th

Start-up Basics: This introductory workshop focuses on the basics of testing your business idea and identifying the key factors that influence start-up success. Start-up Basics provides you with an overview of the skills and tools you need when deciding to start a business. 

In this session, you learn about: the advantages and disadvantages of owning a business, the most profitable form for your business, and the fundamentals of formation, organization, marketing, cash flow and funding sources.

Business Use of Your Home - Feb 20th

Business use of your home 

Simplified Home Office Deduction 

Qualifying for business use of the home deduction – Exclusive Use Test 

Regular Use Test 

Principal place of business test 

Activities that don’t disqualify your home office 

Meeting place for customers test 

Separate structure test 

Deduction limits 

Types of expenses 

Expenses related to the business activity in the home

Business Use of the Home Expenses 

Deductible expenses 

Deduction limits – Gross Income 

Example – Determining the home office deduction 

What you can't do 

Selling your home when you used it for business 

Illegal Tax Avoidance

How to Start a Small Business

Bring order to the chaos of starting a small business. Learn 10 key topics every business owner needs to know and start mapping your own plan for starting a small business. Fast-paced, interactive, co-taught class with a workbook to organize key ideas.

Female and male holding papers and looking at laptop screen

14 Tax Preparation Resources for Small Businesses

From researching American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) listings to taking a free course from the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are several small business resources to help you prepare and conquer tax season. 
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Independent Financial Audits

Why and When a Startup Should Consider a Financial Audit

In this discussion, we'll delve into the significance of independent financial audits for private companies, the ideal stage for their implementation, the revenue thresholds that might trigger the need for an audit and related considerations. 
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Small Business Taxes

12 Small Business Tax-Saving Strategies

To help small business owners and entrepreneurs save taxes through legitimate and easy ways, we asked experienced entrepreneurs and financial advisors this question for their best strategies. 
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SCORE: 60 Years of Small Business Success

Helping 17 Million Entrepreneurs achieve their dreams

SCORE proudly celebrates 60 years of helping America’s small businesses launch, grow and thrive. Since 1964, more than 17 million entrepreneurs have received support from SCORE, a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). 

Today, SCORE has a nationwide network of more than 10,000 volunteers serving all 50 U.S. states and territories, guiding entrepreneurs on their path to success.


Welcome to Entrepreneurship

Are you thinking about starting your own business, but not quite sure where to start? Or maybe you've already taken the leap, but feel overwhelmed? SCORE is here to help. We offer a great place to start with our "Welcome to Entrepreneurship" workshop. Join us along with others like you, to hear a high-level overview of what it takes to start and run your own business. Bring your questions and your business cards to this free program, to learn and network, held monthly in Durham and Chapel Hill.

View Recorded Webinar

Business Owner and SCORE Mentor working together at desk
Small Business Resource Hubs

SCORE empowers all entrepreneurs to succeed.

We believe that anyone can start a small business with the right support. We also know that the path to success may vary based on where you are in your business journey.

SCORE is here to help with curated resources for all entrepreneurs. 

Visit Small Business Resource Hubs
DURHAM, NC, 27701

Copyright © 2025 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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