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Sandy fenced off path to a beach on Cape Cod.
SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands
Serving All Towns in Barnstable County, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket

Our 50+ volunteers across the Cape, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket are experienced business professionals and successful entrepreneurs who can provide no-cost mentoring and advice for your start-up idea, existing business, or non-profit.

Find A Mentor Take A Workshop Client Reviews
Martha’s Vineyard Center for Education and Training
Testimonial from Sharing Kindness:

"Sharing Kindness is a relatively young nonprofit and SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands has been instrumental, not only in our initial development and organization, but also in our continued growth and goal setting. Thank you SCORE!"

SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands Supports Non-Profits Too

In addition to our focus on supporting small businesses, SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands has an experienced team that supports non-profits in our community. We help organizations build effective boards by understanding members’ roles and responsibilities; we provide one-on-one executive director coaching and chair mentoring; and we facilitate fund development planning and strategic plans.

Request a Non-Profit Mentor Now
Upcoming Events
Excel Charts - A Picture Is Worth 1000 Numbers

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That's especially true today as our

ability to gather information is far outpacing our ability to absorb it. Excel charts

give you a powerful and easy to use tool for visualizing complex data.

This live program will explain and demonstrate how to:

  • Choose the type of chart that best explains your data;
  • Organize your data to facilitate charting;
  • Build a simple chart in one click;
  • Preview different chart types to see which works best for you;
  • Move and size a chart;
  • Designate which data to plot on horizontal and vertical axes;
  • Add, remove and format chart
Building a Startup Budget

This webinar will guide you through the process of creating a startup and operating budget. Whether you are already in business or working towards starting one

Website Planning 101

Ready for a new website? Whether you're building it yourself or you decide to work with a pro, getting organized is the key to your website's success!

5 Patti Page Way
Centerville, MA 02632

Copyright © 2024 SCORE Association,

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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