Step-by-step checklist for starting a small business in Massachusetts
1) Check Business Name Availability:
• corp.sec.state.ma.us/corpweb/corpsearch/CorpSearch.aspx
2) Filing a business online:
• Filing fee: $275 for a MA corporation or $500 for a MA LLC
• Process time: 3 days to process articles of incorporation or organization if you mail them.
• FAX and Online filings are auto-expedited
• Expedite fee: LLC -$20, Corp - $15
• https://corp.sec.state.ma.us/corp/loginsystem/login_form.asp?FilingMethod=I
3) Registering with the Department of Revenue:
• MA sales tax: 6.25%
• Income tax: 5.25% tax on earned income (salaries, wages, tips, commissions) and unearned income (interest, dividends, and capital gains)
• Corporate income tax is calculated by using the corporation’s taxable net income plus its property/net worth. The income tax is calculated at a rate of 8 percent of the corporation’s taxable net income. The property/net worth measure is imposed at a rate of $2.60 per $1,000 of either a corporation’s taxable MA tangible property or its taxable net worth. The minimum corporate excise tax is $456.
• https://wfb.dor.state.ma.us/webfile/Business/Public/Webforms/Registration/Register.aspx
4) Getting a Business License:
• No general state business license. Check your city clerk. If doing business as a DBA, you need a local business certificate. You need to register DBAs with your city or town clerk. Check for any other certificates or licenses needed.
• http://www.mma.org/city-and-town-websites
5) Other licenses:
• The Division of Professional Licensure oversees 31 boards of registration. Check out what professions need licenses: http://www.mass.gov/ocabr/government/oca-agencies/dpl-lp/
6) Workman's Comp and Unemployment Insurance
• http://www.mass.gov/lwd/workers-compensation/publications/employers-guide/er-guide-english.pdf
• http://www.mass.gov/lwd/docs/dua/business/employer-handbook.pdf
7) Web domain guide:
• www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/domain-names-beginners-guide-06dec10-en.pdf
• or go to https://instantdomainsearch.com/