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SCORE Treasure Valley
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SCORE Treasure Valley
Starting a new business can be overwhelming. Is your business setup legally and licensed in the state of Washington? Do you have
Are you overwhelmed by all the choices for your marketing your business in the new year? Not sure where your time is best spent
You’ve just starting your business but worried about what your startup costs are? Or what your sales be? Or if you can make a
This workshop covers many topics for new business owners: Employer Identification Number, Record keeping, Bookkeeping, Accounting
Learn the basic skills of QuickBooks Online in this “hands-on” workshop and learn to record your business transactions properly
Join us in this hands-on workshop in which you will first write your “Unique Value Statement” that concisely describes your
Facebook is the largest and most important social media platform for business. Learn how to post great content, leverage
Nothing impacts your profitability like your pricing decisions. In this workshop we show you how to decide on your product pricing
You’ve started a new small business and feel you may not be reporting and paying all your taxes properly. This workshop will teach
Have you ever considered creating a vision of what your life should look like? Here’s an executive seminar that will inspire you
Join us in the "Setting Up Your New Company" workshop, a key part of SCORE's Small Business Essentials Workshops. This
It’s easy to advertise with Google, but it's even easier to waste gobs of money on it. Attend this workshop to learn how to write