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Samantha Myers
Bucks Mompreneur Launches Baby Sound Machine with SCORE’s Help

ByeByeCry, Samantha Myers

Formed in: 2021
How SCORE helped.

Samantha Myers survived parenting two colicky babies. But, by the time her second daughter, now 20 months, took her first step, Myers, of Warrington, had already placed an order for the first shipment of ByeByeCry, a baby sound machine she designed primarily for infants with colic.

While on maternity leave following her second daughter’s birth, Myers made it her mission to develop a product that could help other parents of colicky babies struggling to find peace. Random sounds she heard while walking around her neighborhood – including lawnmowers and chainsaws – helped soothe her crying daughter and gave her hope for an end to incessant crying.

She narrowed down the “magic” of five sounds proven to calm colic and another five sounds for any time and worked tirelessly to see the product behind her business, 365 DayDreams, LLC come to fruition.

“After I finished my full-time corporate job When the baby was asleep, I would be up working until the sun came up,” she said.  

Her passion for helping other families struggling remains the driving force.

“This is it,” Myers said. “It was worth all of the risk and sleepless nights because of the reward of making other families feel supported.”

In addition to selling ByeByeCry on Amazon Prime and her website, Myers is committed to creating a community for moms feeling disconnected from their inconsolable infants.

“You feel helpless when you can’t comfort your newborn,” Myers said. “For a first-time mother, it’s just so hard.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “inconsolable or excessive crying” is the leading cause of Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

Early on in the process, Myers hit a few bumps, particularly with the creation of her product prototype. In November 2021 she sought guidance from SCORE Bucks County mentor Leah Cianfrani, who was immediately cautious of a manufacturer’s representative who refused to put anything in writing. Cianfrani consulted with SCORE Bucks County mentor Yenting Liu, who was familiar with the product prototype process and he agreed that continuing work with the manufacturer’s representative was not in Myers’ best interest.

“I had to completely start over,” Myers said. “I wanted to give up, but because my SCORE mentor convinced me that I could do it on my own, I kept going.”

Leah said, ‘I know you feel like you are at ground zero, but believe me you are 90 percent of the way there, keep pushing,’ Myers recalled. “I can’t tell you how important those words were to hear at that time.” 

Cianfrani’s support helped Myers arrive at a much better place than she had been in with developing her product prototype.

“I’m on the front line at this point because of Leah,” Myers said. “I now have full control of my business and I am dealing with my supplier directly. Because of her, I was able to harness the power within me that I never knew was there.”

Along the way, Myers was discouraged by other professionals who made her feel like she should quit. Because of the continuous validation from her mentor, she kept going.

“Leah would always knock down the critics and say ‘it’s just noise. Keep going.’”

Cianfrani helped Myers write a business plan and continues to mentor her as she looks to scale her business with the upcoming launch of the ByeByeCry app, as well as other future additions.

“I have no doubt her sound machine will be a huge success because of her passion and tenacity,” Cianfrani said. “As I have come to know her so well during our mentor/client days I am so proud of her and how hard she has worked.”

The timing of her product launch – in the weeks leading up to Colic Awareness Month in March – was another way the stars seemed to align on what she describes as a “journey.”

In addition to the support Myers receives from her SCORE mentors, ByeByeCry received a ringing endorsement from Dr. Kathy Chen, a pediatric gastroenterologist affiliated with one of the top children’s hospitals in the country.

“Over the years, parents have come into my office with similar experiences – they’ve used traditional sound machines and other colic remedies with no success,” Dr. Chen said. “I am happy to see a mom-made product come to life that will really help families.”

Learn more

Families seeking inspiration, support tips, and more for their colicky babies can connect with other parents on social media @ByeByeCryClub on Facebook and Instagram and @365DayDreams on TikTok.

Additional media
Samantha Myers and family
My mentors
Leah J Cianfrani

With over two decades of experience at esteemed institutions of higher learning, including the...

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Bye Bye Cry
'ByeByeCry': Local mother creates noise machine to help fight colic
Samantha Myers joins "Good Day Philadelphia" to discuss her ByeByeCry invention which helps soothe babies with colic.
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